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A well-known principle also applies to the sustainable disposal of waste from underfloor containers: "As often as necessary, but as little as possible".

This principle is taken into account by the delivery and collection planning (dcp): The cloud-based service enables needs-based, dynamic and route-optimized waste disposal for underfloor containers (UFC), specifically: The locations are only approached when the capacity of the containers is exhausted.

UFC filling level forecasts form the basis: With the help of an AI approach, so-called "ranges", i.e. optimal emptying times, are calculated for each collection point on the basis of historical weighing data. A specially developed clustering algorithm groups the UFC to be emptied on the same day, taking into account their geographical proximity to one another.

Finally, the day trips are planned for these clusters by connecting the locations of the collection points to be emptied in a route-optimized manner, taking into account the following logistical restrictions:


  • Priorities of use of collection vehicles,

  • vehicle availability and loading capacity,

  • Operating times and availability of the chauffeurs,

  • unloading times (at KVA),

  • Calendar (WE, public holidays).


Finally, the routes to be driven are transferred to the tablets in the vehicles, so that the drivers can dispose of the UFC waste efficiently, in a way that conserves resources and is sustainable.

Markus Schäfli

Project manager logistics (waste / UFC) at KVATG

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“Towards the end of the pilot project, the first added value of the dynamically planned underfloor container disposal was confirmed. With fewer bins approached, the same number of tons of rubbish are collected per day. This is then reflected in the shorter collection time and in slightly fewer kilometers covered. In short, the waste is collected in a resource-saving manner. The special need for emptying between Christmas and New Year as well as during the sports holidays could also be optimally controlled, so that compared to previous years there were hardly any overfilled underfloor containers".

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